Games and Activities Content


  1. Counting Units, Tens, and Hundreds
  2. Mixed Counting
  3. Skip Counting
  4. Relationships
  5. Patterning
  6. Sequencing


  1. Addition Facts
  2. The Addition Facts Cart Wheel
  3. Find the Unknown Amount = also known as “What’s Under the Cup?”
  4. Building Towers
  5. Building a Wall
  6. Building Pyramids
  7. The Unit Bar Addition Card Game


  1. Subtraction by Matching
  2. Subtraction Facts
  3. The Subtraction Facts Cart Wheel
  4. Finding the Unknown Amount = also known as “What’s Under the Cup?”
  5. Taking Down a Wall
  6. Taking Down a Pyramid
  7. The Unit Bar Subtraction Card Game


  1. The Multiplication Facts Cart Wheel
  2. Finding the Unknown Amount = also known as “What’s Under the Cup?”
  3. Represent Total Amount in a Linear Format
  4. Multiplication Counting (Whisper Counting)
  5. Multiplication Skip Counting
  6. Multiplication Facts Mastery
  7. Skip Counting Mastery
  8. Multiplication Facts Bingo